Women in STEM
Like many issues regarding acknowledgment of women, there is a lack of appreciation and recognition for the women in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM). Despite all disparities, women have made tremendous progress in STEM education, research, and workspace during the past 50 years. Women in the past few centuries and in the current century have worked hard to earn their positions in STEM fields. In this research paper, the authors present some of the women scientists who have made notable contributions to their fields of study; significant women like Rosalind Franklin and Andrea Ghez are mentioned. The authors compare recent, relevant data from Tennessee Technological University science departments of Chemistry and Biochemistry (undergraduate, masters, and graduate students as well as faculty) – findings show that science students are 54% female and science faculty are 31% female. The rate of STEM courses taken by female students dop off significantly at higher education levels. The authors conclude by describing propositions to bridge the gender gap and increase women's representation and desire for STEM careers. Solutions include researching areas where women are less represented and increasing the amount of female role models for younger generations. Overall, there needs to be more educational and employment opportunities for women in STEM, and society today can make that change a reality.