Increase production rate of the Biodiesel Using a Solar Powered Thermally-Efficient High-yield Ultrasonic Processor


  • Warren Klapp
  • Robbie Mannankara
  • Kareem Williams
  • Caleb Parker
  • Anthony Taylor


Production of biodiesel from waste vegetable oil is an economical, and benign environmental option to use as an alternative energy source and reuse of waste vegetable oil. This study has two objectives. First, increasing the production rate biodiesel using sonication to reduce the processing time and utilizing a high voltage to reduce the biodiesel/glycerin separation time. Second, reducing the energy needed for the production of biodiesel using solar energy beside electric energy. The processing rate will be improved using a Raspberry Pi 3 Model B in place of the current Arduino Mega for better process control. This will allow simultaneous tasks to be executed. Furthermore, with the addition of larger diameter piping will allow for higher rates of fluid to be transferred from storage containers. With the addition of a second separation tank to increase the amount of separation of the biodiesel and glycerin mixture. This paper will discuss the improvements and suggestions for future improvement.





Engineering-Manufacturing and Engineering Technology