Modern Efficient Boilers: Reducing Emissions
The overarching goals of the project are to help the Appalachian Center for Craft reduce their carbon footprint and save on energy costs. The initial focus is on the boiler system, which heats an area of 87,000 sq. ft., produces an output of 1,600,000 BTUs, and is thirty years old. While the current boiler has been meticulously maintained, it is likely far less efficient than newer models due to advancement in technologies. Specific tests to determine the exact efficiency have not been conducted. However, according to, similar-age models have an energy efficiency rating of 51-70%. In contrast, many current models with similar energy outputs have efficiency ratings of 88-98%. Another factor to be considered is space available. New piping has recently been added to the boiler room and getting a new boiler through a 36-inch-wide door is of concern. Research encompassed more efficient boilers, including gas models, biomass boilers, and hybrid-fuel source boilers. The pros and cons of each boiler are compared, including issues of cost, maintenance and potential funding.