Exploring Energy Systems and Supplementation of Beta-Alanine in Athletic Populations


  • William Hall


This review of literature examined the performance effects of beta-alanine supplementation in an athletic population. For the purpose of this study “athletic population” was defined as anyone who is exercising and supplementing beta-alanine, the goal was to determine if there was improvement in athletic performance within each of the three energy systems. Energy systems were defined by the National Strength and Conditioning Association as the phosphocreatine system, glycolysis system, and oxidative system. The research that was included determined how much beta-alanine was supplemented, the duration of supplementation, and whether it increased performance. A cost analysis was based on an average of three leading retailers for the supplementation of beta-alanine. In conclusion, there is evidence to indicate that beta-alanine supplementation increases performance within two of the three systems, but would encompass the entire range given for the glycolysis system and would slightly range in the lower end with the oxidative system. There was no determination regarding how much of an increase in performance was seen. With the analysis of cost compared with increased performance given the range of dosages and length of supplementation in the various studies it would cost approximately $12.16 to $25.20 a month to see an increase in performance.





Human Ecology