The Correlation Between Foster Care Placement and Children's Behaviors
The topic of investigation for this project is the correlation between foster care placement and children's behavior. There has been evidence that children's behavior is affected due to being in a foster care placement. The purpose of this project is to see how placement in foster care had an alleged effect on children's behaviors. The databases that were used in this research was from Eagle Search. The key words that were used to find existing research are foster care placement, children's behaviors, and behavior management. The participants in these studies ranged from 0-18 years old who were in a permanent foster care placement. The authors gathered data from the National Survey of Child and Adolescent Well-Being (NSCAW). The main findings were that 1. Children who were in foster care placement externalized their behaviors more than children in non-foster care placements. 2. Children in foster care have an increased risk of mental health issues 3. Children engage in riskier behaviors more than non-foster care children. 3. One of the most impactful experiences a child can go through is being in a foster care placement which can lead to unwanted behaviors. Sometimes, children have a hard time regulating emotions that could lead to unwanted behaviors. Researchers can gather this data to find effective interventions to help children in foster care placement.