What are The Health Effects and Consequences of PEDs with Athletes?


  • Jeremiah Craig


Performance-enhancing drugs (PED) do give a competitive advantage to athletes of all ages, but they cause biological problems to the body. PEDs were originally used in the first Olympic Games, but subsequently have been found to be harmful to the body. The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) is an agency that investigates and deters usage of PEDs in all major sporting events. WADA has the World Anti-Doping Code that various competitive organizations are to abide by. Research has shown that adolescent and children usage of PEDs is declining. College athletes are more likely to use PEDs if they are abusing alcohol or other illegal drugs. Professional athletes from the major sports in America can face different consequences for using PEDs in their respective sport. Health professionals should discourage any usage of PEDs because of the detrimental effects on the body when used.





Human Ecology